About Us

In 1969 Genevra Van Dyke was taking care of the plantings at Burman Square and she asked Madeline Franks if she would help her.  Madeline told Genevra that what they really needed was to start a Garden Club, and that’s what they did!  The other original members included Elin Doehne, Judy Watson, and Rosemary Neller.  As time went on, they added additional downtown plantings in order to beautify the community. 

In 1987 the club was officially established as a nonprofit and Genevra Van Dyke became the first President.  The purpose of the club was and still is today, “To stimulate the love of gardening, encourage home and community beautification, promote better horticulture practices, and encourage all forms of conservation.”  Fundraisers included Geranium, Mum and Poinsettia sales with the flowers being grown by Rose Acres in Charlotte.  The original location of the Geranium Sale was in the parking lot by the Pizza shop across from Margery Briggs’ house.  Shirley Teachout recalls Genevra tracking geranium sales by hand and introducing her to the idea of using a spreadsheet. 

Today there are over 40 PGC members, quite a few of which have completed the Master Gardener Program sponsored by the MSU Extension Service.  Club members still takes care of downtown plantings including Scout Park, Bridge Street Planters, the Downtown Clock, Library Fountain, and Maple Street including Burman Square and the City planters.   Other activities include garden tours, crafts and participation in community events.  The Geranium Sale is the only fund raiser currently and transitioned from being held at Margery Briggs’ home for many years to the Red Mill Pavilion in 2020. 

(Much of the early history noted here was passed on to us by Madeline Franks)

Anyone can come to our events or meetings and see what we are all about.  If you want to become a member dues are $10/year ($15 for a couple).  Additional information can be found on this website as well as our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/PortlandMIGardenClub